Jan 19, 2014


Get a list of all software installed on the system
Never assume that you need to create a list of software installed on the system when all the work you do not need any additional software.,
But it can be done with a simple command. Opened Windows PowerShell in this type the following command:
 Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property Name
This command installed on your system will show you a list of all the software. Notepad list you want to export in the file, use the following command:
 Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property Name > C:\PCapps.txt
The C drive of PC apps will become a text file which will span the entire details.
This tip is useful when you have the right to install the software to compare the two systems. Text file would readily know how the system software which does not exist. Moreover, new installation of Windows before getting to the list of your installed software comes very handy later.

